Fantastic Pix Photography

Dog or chimpanzee – who is smarter?

Animal intelligence. Who do you think is smarter Dog or Chimpanzee ? When you ponder about this question, you will get clues on how you think and analyse .... 

Go dog or Go Ape

The study took place at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. The study worked with 32 dogs and 20 chimpanzees who were each to carry out the same task. Dogs all responded positively and immediately. However, the chimpanzees didn’t seem to understand what was being asked of them.

The conclusion of the study was that dogs are much better at recognizing gestures and fetching things for humans. However, in other things, chimpanzees definitely win. Therefore, as we said, it seems that every animal has a gift for something! Further reading click here

Dogs look for context and put that context into action. According to Matt Turner, same thing applies for Big Data and search. Big Data is like the chimp — a lot of capacity with big volumes of data and content, server farms for massive processing and storage. But without context all that data isn’t really that smart. Then how do we make that data smart? Further reading click here.

Now who do you think has become smarter ... Dog, Chimp or You ?

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